Thursday, 30 June 2011


The lowest form of wit & the highest form of intelligence.


Wednesday, 29 June 2011

A hectic day

I had a packed day with a meeting in the morning and
difficult home visits in the afternoon.  And a dramatic experience at lunch time........

It is life but everything tends to happen all at once.
It was one of my unlucky days... totally a bad day....
However, I realised I was blessed with good people around me.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Pollini, Maurizio

I am feeling pretty depressed.... it is the last piece he played,
Pierre Boulez's Piano Sonata No2. make me think of someone
with schizophrenia.... I may not have the ears for it but I did not like it.

The concert was actually in April but Pollini was ill to perform and it was
postponed to today. I was nice to go for a concert and I think I needed it too.

Chopin.....  24 Preludes Op 28
Debussy.... Preludes Book I
Boulez...    Piano Sonata No 2

@ Royal Festival Hall 7.30pm

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Bipolar Weather

오늘 정말 오랜만에 늦잠을 잤다.
지난 몇 주간 토요일에 항상 일이 있어서 일찍일어
나야만 했는데 간만에 정말 제대로 푹 자고
일어났는데 해가 떠 있어서...좀 의하했다...
왜? 어제 일기 예보로는 하루종일 비기 온다고 했거든!
변화무쌍한 날씨덕에 영국은 기상 예보하기 가장 힘든 나라라더군.

잠도 안 깬체로 난 빵을 굽겠다고 커피를 올려놓고
반죽을 했다. 지난번에도 구웠던 반죽인데 이상하게도
물러서 밀가루를 계속 더해가며 잠에서 천천히 깨어나고 있었다.
반죽을 발효시키느라 창가에 두고 커피를 마시고 있는데
검은 구름이 마구 몰려오더니 소낙비가 미친듯이 내렸다.
반죽을 다시 안으로 들려다 놓고 아점을 먹고,
혹시나 해서 계량컵을 다시 확인했더니 아니나 다를까
물을 50ml 더 넣었으니 반죽이...덜.....정말 잠이 덜 깨었었어!

다시 해가 떠서 난 반죽을 내놓고, 소나기가 또 와서
또 다시 들려다 놓고, 다시 반죽을 밀고 두번째 발효를
시키고 난 오후 내내 날씨와 씨름을 했다.
창문을 닫았다 열었다.....

그냥 재미었던 건 내가 아침에 일어나자 마자 해를
보고 이때다 싶어서 잠도 안 깬체로 반죽을 준비한거다.
영국에 생활 9년째, 날씨가 나의 행동에 반을 결정하는 거 보면서
내가 영국 생활에 너무 익숙해져가나 싶어서 그저 재밌을 뿐이다.
그래도 고생한 결과의 끝은 아주 맛있는 독일 빵!
케잌은 부드러운거, 빵은 딱딱한게 좋다!

Thursday, 16 June 2011

My patience....

I have been thinking a lot about whether I will last in direct contact
with people. I'm seeing myself getting really stressed and I picking up
other peoples' feelings very easily which can be helpful in knowing
where they are but not helpful for me.
Not useful for myself as it impacts my way of working and it's prone
to burnt outs. I hope I will develop over time to be able to let go
but it's also part of my characteristics. I will take it a bit further to
check how far I can stretch to take a turn at the right moment.
I think direct people work is the most difficult aspect of many jobs
that involves human contact.
You'll understand what I'm trying to say if your work is
with people not for the people.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

For someone...

I had to just buy this biscuit the moment I saw it at Marks and Spensers!
It's a giantic jammy dodger
I could think of one person this will put a smile on.
One of my young service user, Jane is moving out of London
to a residential home to be with other younger people.
She will be moving next Monday so I will go and see her
for the last time in London tomorrow.
Then will go to see her in about 6 weeks time to
review her placement.
She reminds me of my sister, both are about the same age...

I sometimes get thank you cards, flowers or a bottle of wine for Christmas
which is hard to say no, I take them depends on what it is
as I don't want to be rude and to be human.
Why not, give Jane a farewell gift: )

I had some difficult weeks like this week and the last few weeks
but moments like this keep me happy to be the
voice of the unheard.
Like what my manager said, governments don't care what we do
as long as they are voted back into power so
I just have to believe and do what I have to do to be the voice.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

1st Wedding!

Giuliano & Peter's Wedding
4th June 2011
Islington Town Hall

It was absolutely a wonderful day for a wedding.
I really enjoyed the day, a very relaxing atmosphere
but formal enough to mark the occasion.

Here is the happy couple! Giu and Peter!

Yes, it was a civil partnership.
My 1st wedding and civil partnership in the UK.
Giu is Italian, so we were following the tradition to
throw raw rice to the newly married couple.
I have known Peter through JVC since 2003 and
Giu is great in a sense that I feel I know him as I know Peter.

 Witty Couple!
I love men with funky socks under their smart suits....

........Happy couple and the guests.......

I wish Peter and Giu a great happiness in life and
the richness of each others company.

Civil Partnership Act 2004 in the UK gives same-sex couples
rights and responsibilities identical to civil marriage
and also most importantly parental responsibility which
means they have opportunities to adopt children.