Friday, 29 October 2010

Diaghilev's Ballets Russes

and the golden age of the Ballet Russes
25 Sept 2010- 9 Jan 2011
V&A (Victoria and Albert Museum)

A must see exhibition for Ballet lovers.
It is wonderfully curated.

His ballet dancers in fabulous costumes.

One of the posters
(Scanned post card)

The man himself...Serge de Diaghilev

 A master piece and massive work by Picasso.
(Scanned post card)

Some photos from inside of V&A

Friday late night opening live Jazz music

This is a ceiling of the female toilet. 
It's not just an interior design, it is a piece of art. 
I will leave it to you to guess how it is constructed. 

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Keep your head up!

I had a hard day at work today.
I really felt for my service user but it was incredibly 
difficult to work with her partner/friend.
I was humiliated in my face. But my visit had a purpose
and I wanted to complete the tasks to enable me to
process the case for my service user and him.
However, that was the difficult part for him to understand
that it will not happen overnight and I am trying to assist
them to get through the process.
I cannot work without him, but I just have to allow time 
to get to know him. It was not easy for me to sit there for 2 hours.....
I just allowed the time for him to vent. I hope it helped him. 
It seems like it is going to be one of those long-term cases.

I hope I have a better day tomorrow. 
Tomorrow is another new day after all!

Thursday, 14 October 2010


British Academy Research Development Awards

noting it before I forget about it.....
trying to aim for something for my future.
Sae-Won do not worry and hurry
you've seen his evidence all along!

Monday, 11 October 2010

What do you think?

"I was born at an early age"

How would you understand this sentence?
What is your understanding?
What do you make of this line?

I cannot say where is line comes from due to confidentiality 
but it just captures so much about the person. 
Just blogging it as I am just so fascinate about it!

A Cup of Tea?

That is such a British phrase, 'a cup of tea?' in any situation. I really find it helpful especially when there is a tension as it just gives you that little bit of space to breath and think! The romance about the afternoon tea at work doesn't really happen in Social Services as we are too busy. We contently drink tea. I don't when I go to Korea as it tastes different I thinks it's the water and milk. 

I went to a supermarket at lunch time to get my lunch and some ordinary tea bags but the ones I want were out of stock, I'll have to go back! But I found this! Very soothing and surprisingly refreshing but not in an awakening sense of freshness. I really like it! And it works, I just had a mug about 30 minutes ago and I am feeling sleepy already...:) Definitely not for work, I bought white tea for work and this is for me at home! Clipper Sleep Easy

Drinking English tea for 8 years, I have developed a plate for it. I like my tea strong with just milk no sugar and I'll brew it with Tea Direct or Clipper black tea bags. And I also like Earl Grey...some people say it's like drinking perfume, it's because of the bergamot orange extract oil is added to black tea leaf. For Earl Grey, I like Whittard or Twinings ones. And for Chai, I use Whittard loose tea left which are smoother and the spices seems more balnaced than Twinings tea bags but I might try the loose ones. (In terms of high street brands..of course there are lots posher tea bags and loose tea.) Most importantly I try to go 'fair trade' with my tea bags. I would like to learn more about tea as I am writing about it. I did buy a simple book about tea recently, I might dig more into the world of tea. It will certainly be an expensive hobby!

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Mother Teresa

People are often unreasonable.
Irrational and self-centred;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse 
you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some
unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere
people may deceive you;
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating 
others could destroy overnight;
Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness
some may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today 
will often be forgotten;
Do good anyway
Give your best anyway.
If the final analysis 
it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway. 

by Mother Teresa

I found a small laminated card with this
prayer by Mother Teresa between my Korean bible. 
I was just going through all the bits of paper to tidy up.
I think I got this when I left JVC in 2004.  
That seems like ages ago!

I didn't copy and paste the prayer I wrote it out myself
as if I was saying the prayers. 
It is simple yet powerful. 
I might take it to work and read it at the beginning 
of the day to set a calm scene for the day. 


London Cycling Campaign

is a great website for cyclists specially in London.
Great promoters for cycling in this great city. 

Salt Star...소금별

소금별... 류시화

소금별에 사는 사람들은 
눈물을 흘릴 수 없네
눈물을 흘리면 
소금별이 녹아버리기 때문
소금별 사람들은 
눈물을 감추려고 자꾸만 
눈을 깜박이네
소금별이 더 많이 반짝이는 건 
그 때문이지

........눈물은 말이지........ 

정말 오랜만에 보는 류시화의 시다. 
이제 다시 읽어보니 좀 유치하다... 푸후...
오랜만에 책장에 무작위로 꽂혀있는 
전시회 판플렛 정리를 하면서 내가 친구를 
주려고 쓰고 보내지 않은 엽서 한장을 발견했다.  
버리기 전에 기록이나 해둘까 하고 여기에 남겨본다.
미국 이민을 준비하던 친구였는데 재밌게도  
그 친구는 아직도 한국에 있고 되려 내가 
한국을 떠나 영국에 오게 되었다.  

예전에는 시도 정말 많이 읽었는데 영국을 와서는 
거의 접하지 않았다. 그래도 영어로 된 헤르만헤세의 시는 
가끔, 아주 가끔 읽는다. 내가 개인적으로 좋아하는 
서양 작가 중 하나. 그 때문에 고등학교때 독어가 
배우고 싶었는데 우리 학교는 독어를 안 가르쳤다. 
내가 영국 오면서 시집 한권을 챙겼는데 그건 
기형도의 '입속의 검은잎'...
처음이자 마지막인 기형도의 시집. 

내가 생각해도 난 눈물이 너무 많다.
눈물의 다양한 모습에 난 가끔 감탄한다......

Friday, 8 October 2010

Loss of functions.....

What would you do if you have lost your left arm?
Maybe even as small as your big toe. 
It will affect your balance.

I had a flu jab and pneumonia jab today.
I try to have a flu jab every year due to my heart condition.
But the nurse today suggested I have a pneumonia jab too.
(Apparently, you only need it every 10 years!)
I was slightly suspicious and I also hesitated then she gave 
me the instruction paper in the box of the vial. 
Then ensured me that it would be safe to have it and
considering my medical history it would be beneficial.
Ok, I had it on my right arm (high), after about 5 hours, 
it started to swell up a bit and I cannot really left my arm
but can do movements such as e.g. typing....
Toileting is slightly difficult as I find taking my trousers off 
painful but still doable. Now thinking I should have had it
on my left arm! Anyway, this is only so minor and temporary.

This simple example got me thinking about one of my service user
(Jude) who suffers from MND (Motor Neurone Disease) who does not
have any upper and lower limb functions. I had to write a letter
to her housing officer explaining why she cannot visit the property to
sign her tenancy agreement. She did not understand why
my service user couldn't sign then she asked whether she could
make a mark...I said to her very unlikely....she just about moves
her thumb to press a very soft button.
I cannot even imagine what Jude went through by losing so much
of her functionalities. It would have been a bereavement process,
as it is a lose of her abilities to use her limbs.

I was feeling a bit fad up with the case today as it's just so
complex and it's a hurdle after hurdle. Though I was expecting it.
You just feel tired sometimes. Of course, I empathise with Jude,
yet I am also a human being after all!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Evgeny Kissin @ RFH

I went to see a concert at Royal Festival Hall. 
Long last saw the genius pianist Evgeny Kissin.
He was amazing! Beyond description of his work and 
I was surprised that he played a piece for an on call.  

Today's programme:
SUK Scherzo Fantastique
Very sweet piece of music, which I first heard but I love it. 
It reminded me of Spring time.
CHOPIN Piano Concerto No.2
A well know piece of Chopin's, but not heard played by Kissin. 
He became together with the piano. It was exquisite!
I would love to see him play Rachmaninoff.
DVORAK Symphony No. 9 (From the New World) 
Very famous work by Dvorak.....really enjoyed listening to it live.

London Philharmonic Orchestra
Neene Jarvi, Conductor
Evgeny Kissin, Piano

Kissin is next playing in London at Barbican on 13/02/11
playing Lizt's works. I will be booking that ticket!  

Find me! I love the lightings in the next photo!


Monday, 4 October 2010


Does anyone know why I cannot upload any photos from
'My Pictures' under My Computer?
I have managed to upload a photo with a web address
but no other photos. Can anyone help me please?

By the way, if anyone wants to watch a good British Romantic Comedy,
you have to watch 'French Film'
excellent acting and good storyline. And it's so funny!

I really enjoyed it as it's based in London most of the areas I recognised. 
Waterloo Eurostar where I went to Paris from, 
this film must be at least 7 years old....
And I just cannot resist French speaking English with a French accent. It's just so SEXY!
(Although it's all acting)
Some nice notes about love and relationship.
Q: How do you know if this is love?
A: In tastes different.
It is certainly a feel good film! Very good choice for a Monday!

Click here for the trailer

Long-term neurological conditions

Integrated services for people with long-term neurological conditions:          Evaluation of the impact of the National Service Framework

Many people with long-term neurological conditions (LTNCs) require support from a range of services, but these services do not always work in a joined-up way. The National Service Framework (NSF) for Long-term Neurological Conditions recognised the need for an integrated approach to service delivery. Our study explored what helps or hinders service integration. From this we identified three types of service that promote continuity of care:
  • Community, interdisciplinary, neurological rehabilitation teams 
  • nurse specialists, proactive
  • holistic day opportunities services.
We then conducted a survey of all English Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) to assess the initial impact of the National Service Framework on integrated service provision.

Our findings show that:
  • access to these important services is frequently compromised by restrictive eligibility criteria, ill-defined pathways and a lack of availability locally
  • neurological charities and other voluntary sector organisations play a key role in improving access and promoting continuity of care 
  • implementation of the NSF for LTNCs has been hindered by competing policy, organisational and financial priorities.

The summary and the full report are available from:

London Councils

Do you want to know London on a day-to-day basis?
Not the fancy touristic sites but what actually goes on in London.
Have a look at London Councils website. 
I got to have a look at the bulletin at work today. 
Of course, it does shows the success cases and the positive 
achievement, however it was a good surprise about so much
effort goes into London!