Thursday, 15 September 2011

Terrence Malick

I was waiting for a bus for my visit this morning when I found
the folded explaintion sheet on Malick's film 'Days of Heaven' in my jacket.
I probably did not wear the jacket since last Friday.
I read it and it just brought back some memories of that day.
It got me day dreaming on the bus under the sun which was somewhat nice.
One asked whether I keep any sentimental notes of things, well yes,
maybe not always in the conventional way.

I really enjoyed the film, it was a beautiful piece of art.
Plot wasn't that complex or anything special but it was the way Malick
used the shots to show the emotions which I quite enjoyed.
Though it was a film, there was a number of moments in which you feel
you are going through lots of photographs.

I saw 'Tree of Life' few months ago, which I didn't enjoy as much as this one.
Then I also saw 'The Thin Red Line' which I very much enjoyed and
the company but sometimes things just don't work out as you wish.
I think my emotions got in the way.

I shall look out for more of Malick's films;
'The New World'/ 'Badlands'/ 'Lanton Mills'

(Please double click the print if you wish to read it, yes, it's readable.)

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