A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Phillipians.
If our life in Christ means anything to you, if love can persuade at all, or the Spirit that we have in common, or any tenderness and sympathy, then be united your convictions and united in your love, with a common purpose and common mind.
That is the one thing, which would make me completely happy. There must be no competition among you, no conceit: but everybody is to be self-effacing. Always consider the other person to be better than yourself, so that nobody thinks of his own interest first but everybody thinks of other people's interests instead. In your minds you must be the same as Christ Jesus.
"칸트가 말했다. 이론 없는 실천은 맹목적이고 실천없는 이론은 공허하다고." .... "Kant said, Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play.'
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Judicial Review threat
Great news!!!
I have been allocated a case last Friday of a 'difficult to work with people'. It is part of my professional development to take on these cases to stratch my skills.
I am not sure whether assessment request has been delayed that she has decided to take legal action on the team. What this means is that my team or I could be taken to court if I do not complete the assessment within the given time.
The request is Section 47 Community Care, Assessment of Needs under Community Care and NHS Act 1990. It is requested via a paralegal not even a qualified solicitor.
I am on duty this week. It is going to be a long day.... I have to cancel dinner, I will just about make it for the film. I sometimes can never know how my day will pan out as it is with life~
I have been allocated a case last Friday of a 'difficult to work with people'. It is part of my professional development to take on these cases to stratch my skills.
I am not sure whether assessment request has been delayed that she has decided to take legal action on the team. What this means is that my team or I could be taken to court if I do not complete the assessment within the given time.
The request is Section 47 Community Care, Assessment of Needs under Community Care and NHS Act 1990. It is requested via a paralegal not even a qualified solicitor.
I am on duty this week. It is going to be a long day.... I have to cancel dinner, I will just about make it for the film. I sometimes can never know how my day will pan out as it is with life~
Monday, 19 September 2011
books books books
I seem to read more classics than modern literature, going back to read
what I read as a teenager which is quite a different experience as you understand
the context better now, I hope!
I read Stendhal's Le Rouge et le Nior (The Red and Black) when I went to Korea
which was nice in a sense that I was reading it in Korean and thinking of
the French lifestyle in English. Seems odd but that was how my brain was processing the story.
In my teens, German was the language I wanted to learn but end up learning Chinese.
No where close at all!
The influence was from the German-Swiss author Hermann Hesse.
I remember reading under the duvet with a torch when my mum thought I was sleeping!
I think the first book I read of Hesse was Demian, which was so interesting as a
teenager, looking into this complex character. After Demian, was digging for all of
Hess's books then I read, Benethe the wheel, Narcissus and Goldmund,
Journey to the East and Siddhartha which I did not finish.
The Glass Bead Game won him the Novel price in literature, which I found SO difficult to
understand then. I cannot remember anything actually.
I might try to read this again after 15 years!
I also discovered his wonderful poems. I remember quoting lots of poems in the letters
I wrote to friends. That seems so long ago! I cannot seems to read poems these days
maybe my heart is not innocent enough to appreciate it anymore.
A short talk about Hesse's books over a cooking bolognese sauce was also nice!
what I read as a teenager which is quite a different experience as you understand
the context better now, I hope!
I read Stendhal's Le Rouge et le Nior (The Red and Black) when I went to Korea
which was nice in a sense that I was reading it in Korean and thinking of
the French lifestyle in English. Seems odd but that was how my brain was processing the story.
In my teens, German was the language I wanted to learn but end up learning Chinese.
No where close at all!
The influence was from the German-Swiss author Hermann Hesse.
I remember reading under the duvet with a torch when my mum thought I was sleeping!
I think the first book I read of Hesse was Demian, which was so interesting as a
teenager, looking into this complex character. After Demian, was digging for all of
Hess's books then I read, Benethe the wheel, Narcissus and Goldmund,
Journey to the East and Siddhartha which I did not finish.
The Glass Bead Game won him the Novel price in literature, which I found SO difficult to
understand then. I cannot remember anything actually.
I might try to read this again after 15 years!
I also discovered his wonderful poems. I remember quoting lots of poems in the letters
I wrote to friends. That seems so long ago! I cannot seems to read poems these days
maybe my heart is not innocent enough to appreciate it anymore.
A short talk about Hesse's books over a cooking bolognese sauce was also nice!
End of Life Care
I had such a busy day with 3 visits in the morning and a meeting at St.Christopher's Hospice
for the End of Life Care leads/champions. It was nice to get away from the office
and have a time off to think and reflect on practice. I never get the moment to just
ponder at my desk, I am either answering a call, typing, talk to calleagues, out on a visit
or in a meeting (Social Workers are known to be always in a meeting and
the telephone line is always engaged! Yes, we do talk a lot...)
The End of Life Care lead project finished in May this year but it was nice for the
two boroughs, Lambeth and Southwark, to meet up and discuss the progress so far.
These were the only boroughs in London and 6 other projects
across the country. The work was also written in Community Care magazine.
Click here to see the article.
There are still lots of gaps and the senior management to take 'action'
to implement the good practice for people in there most vulnerable moments.
All talks and no action is still apparent but at least the awareness has grown
in the teams and people are asking the difficult questions.
for the End of Life Care leads/champions. It was nice to get away from the office
and have a time off to think and reflect on practice. I never get the moment to just
ponder at my desk, I am either answering a call, typing, talk to calleagues, out on a visit
or in a meeting (Social Workers are known to be always in a meeting and
the telephone line is always engaged! Yes, we do talk a lot...)
The End of Life Care lead project finished in May this year but it was nice for the
two boroughs, Lambeth and Southwark, to meet up and discuss the progress so far.
These were the only boroughs in London and 6 other projects
across the country. The work was also written in Community Care magazine.
Click here to see the article.
There are still lots of gaps and the senior management to take 'action'
to implement the good practice for people in there most vulnerable moments.
All talks and no action is still apparent but at least the awareness has grown
in the teams and people are asking the difficult questions.
Friday, 16 September 2011
I had my first supervision since my return which was a very productive session.
I have some homework to do, in relation to stress management.
1. How do i feel about the situation?
2. What are the triggers of the stress?
3. What are my reactions?
4. What are the consequences of my reactions?
To look up;
Systemic theory
Drama to logical approach
I have some homework to do, in relation to stress management.
1. How do i feel about the situation?
2. What are the triggers of the stress?
3. What are my reactions?
4. What are the consequences of my reactions?
To look up;
Systemic theory
Drama to logical approach
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Terrence Malick
I was waiting for a bus for my visit this morning when I found
the folded explaintion sheet on Malick's film 'Days of Heaven' in my jacket.
I probably did not wear the jacket since last Friday.
I read it and it just brought back some memories of that day.
It got me day dreaming on the bus under the sun which was somewhat nice.
One asked whether I keep any sentimental notes of things, well yes,
maybe not always in the conventional way.
I really enjoyed the film, it was a beautiful piece of art.
Plot wasn't that complex or anything special but it was the way Malick
used the shots to show the emotions which I quite enjoyed.
Though it was a film, there was a number of moments in which you feel
you are going through lots of photographs.
I saw 'Tree of Life' few months ago, which I didn't enjoy as much as this one.
Then I also saw 'The Thin Red Line' which I very much enjoyed and
the company but sometimes things just don't work out as you wish.
I think my emotions got in the way.
I shall look out for more of Malick's films;
'The New World'/ 'Badlands'/ 'Lanton Mills'
(Please double click the print if you wish to read it, yes, it's readable.)
the folded explaintion sheet on Malick's film 'Days of Heaven' in my jacket.
I probably did not wear the jacket since last Friday.
I read it and it just brought back some memories of that day.
It got me day dreaming on the bus under the sun which was somewhat nice.
One asked whether I keep any sentimental notes of things, well yes,
maybe not always in the conventional way.
I really enjoyed the film, it was a beautiful piece of art.
Plot wasn't that complex or anything special but it was the way Malick
used the shots to show the emotions which I quite enjoyed.
Though it was a film, there was a number of moments in which you feel
you are going through lots of photographs.
I saw 'Tree of Life' few months ago, which I didn't enjoy as much as this one.
Then I also saw 'The Thin Red Line' which I very much enjoyed and
the company but sometimes things just don't work out as you wish.
I think my emotions got in the way.
I shall look out for more of Malick's films;
'The New World'/ 'Badlands'/ 'Lanton Mills'
(Please double click the print if you wish to read it, yes, it's readable.)
Saucy News
My team was bombarded with telephone calls from a press company
asking of a service user, I was her previous social worker and so happy
that I am not the current one. We saw her on a local newpaper with her
current photo which I was so shock to see her deterioated so badly.
Her story would be a material for e.g The Sun or Daily Mail that can
destory the reputation of the public sector.
Not sure how and why she went to the press to give or sell her story but
it is not a plesant time for my team nor the council's press department.
My manager and the allocated social worker were emailing and taking
ridiculous calls asking and demanding for confidential information of the
service user, such as, 'off the record information' as if we will be willingly
providing what they want. We have told the press company to contact the
council's press department not the individual team. So much legal implications
to data protection aspect of my work.
It is amazing to see what we have to put up with at work at times.
asking of a service user, I was her previous social worker and so happy
that I am not the current one. We saw her on a local newpaper with her
current photo which I was so shock to see her deterioated so badly.
Her story would be a material for e.g The Sun or Daily Mail that can
destory the reputation of the public sector.
Not sure how and why she went to the press to give or sell her story but
it is not a plesant time for my team nor the council's press department.
My manager and the allocated social worker were emailing and taking
ridiculous calls asking and demanding for confidential information of the
service user, such as, 'off the record information' as if we will be willingly
providing what they want. We have told the press company to contact the
council's press department not the individual team. So much legal implications
to data protection aspect of my work.
It is amazing to see what we have to put up with at work at times.
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Family Meeting
I have attended a family meeting for one of my brain injury service user (su)
which was organised by my service user's youngest daughter's counsellor.
I was very impressived with the effort of all the professionals who attended
the meeting and especially all the family members including the three children!
I will list the attendees to give you an idea of who and what was discussed to
support my SU and her family. However, due to confidentiality, I am not
able to discuss the details of the meeting but it was good to have everyone at one table
to think about a way forward. It is going to be a VERY gradual process for my SU.
-Physical Disabilities senior practitioner
-Physical Disabilities social worker- that's me and we are funding the residential placement
-Mental Health Nurse
-Occupational Therapist
-Staff from my service user's current residential placement
-Daughter's play therapist
-Service user's advocate (voluntary sector)
-Family- husband, mother-in-law, three children (4y/ 9y/ 13y)
-My service user could not attend
A sunny evening after a busy day is always welcomed.
which was organised by my service user's youngest daughter's counsellor.
I was very impressived with the effort of all the professionals who attended
the meeting and especially all the family members including the three children!
I will list the attendees to give you an idea of who and what was discussed to
support my SU and her family. However, due to confidentiality, I am not
able to discuss the details of the meeting but it was good to have everyone at one table
to think about a way forward. It is going to be a VERY gradual process for my SU.
-Physical Disabilities senior practitioner
-Physical Disabilities social worker- that's me and we are funding the residential placement
-Mental Health Nurse
-Occupational Therapist
-Staff from my service user's current residential placement
-Daughter's play therapist
-Service user's advocate (voluntary sector)
-Family- husband, mother-in-law, three children (4y/ 9y/ 13y)
-My service user could not attend
A sunny evening after a busy day is always welcomed.
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Guy's Hospital |
News on HIV
For my and other people's information....I have copied and pasted an email.
NAT would like to highlight a new report, Fluctuating Symptoms of HIV, which I hope you will find useful in your role as Director of Adult Social Care.
The findings illustrate the dramatic impact of fluctuating symptoms and side-effects including fatigue, depression and anxiety, gastro-intestinal problems and insomnia have on people living with HIV. Fluctuation has not been a focus of HIV research to date and NAT is concerned that the impact it has on quality of life is often overlooked - including in social care needs assessments.
We are particularly concerned that the complex and variable nature of these health problems means they do not easily align with the approach to long-term conditions used within assessments. I would like to highlight the following recommendation from the report:
At present, high eligibility thresholds prevent many people with HIV from accessing social care, even when they have clear health-related support needs. Assessment criteria should consider the impact of fluctuation and the cumulative impact of multiple, lower-level symptoms on people living with HIV.
Social care is vital for helping people with HIV who experience such symptoms stay well, avoiding the need for greater support in future. NAT urges local authorities to take greater consideration of these health impacts when assessing people with HIV for social care. For more information on the importance of HIV social care, you can download our recent report on the impact of social care support for people living with HIV.
NAT would like to highlight a new report, Fluctuating Symptoms of HIV, which I hope you will find useful in your role as Director of Adult Social Care.
The findings illustrate the dramatic impact of fluctuating symptoms and side-effects including fatigue, depression and anxiety, gastro-intestinal problems and insomnia have on people living with HIV. Fluctuation has not been a focus of HIV research to date and NAT is concerned that the impact it has on quality of life is often overlooked - including in social care needs assessments.
We are particularly concerned that the complex and variable nature of these health problems means they do not easily align with the approach to long-term conditions used within assessments. I would like to highlight the following recommendation from the report:
At present, high eligibility thresholds prevent many people with HIV from accessing social care, even when they have clear health-related support needs. Assessment criteria should consider the impact of fluctuation and the cumulative impact of multiple, lower-level symptoms on people living with HIV.
Social care is vital for helping people with HIV who experience such symptoms stay well, avoiding the need for greater support in future. NAT urges local authorities to take greater consideration of these health impacts when assessing people with HIV for social care. For more information on the importance of HIV social care, you can download our recent report on the impact of social care support for people living with HIV.
Monday, 5 September 2011
New Diagnosis
I was on duty from Friday which was a killer when I was still so jetlagged!
I actually could not stay till 5pm and my colleagues have been covering
the last hour for me.
I did not process many cases but took all the calls as it kept me awake.
A service user who I worked with over a year rang and my admin passed the
call to me as she is very difficult to understand over the telephone.
She always sounds drunk in fact 10 out of 8 times she is sober,
few of her front teeth are missing which makes her sound drunk when she is not.
So I have been taking a lot of her calls though I am no longer allocated to
the case. It has been awhile I spoke to her and she broke a very
bad news that she is now diagnosed with lung cancer!
She does smoke a lot but that is bad news. I have not took such a
phone call for a long time, and it was painful as I know her quite well.
The call made me think cancer hits anyone at anytime.
I was pretty calm and knowing her I knew what to say to her today
but it was a very sad moment. There was no immediate action required
at this stage but it is the progress that is going to change her life.
I get to appreciate about life more whenever I encounter moments like this
and I try to put my thoughts into action without hesitation
as life is sometimes so short to wait.....
but there are certain things in life you have to wait for.
Is there anything I am waiting for now?
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