Tuesday 21 December 2010

Christmas greetings from Habana!

I thought I just leave a quick note to say that I am still in Cuba, Habana.
I should have returned on 20th but it snowed SO heavily in Europe that
all the airports in the UK have been closed for days.
Heathrow is partly open today but Paris is still quite bad. Yes, I am flying with Air France.
I have a provisional flight for tomorrow if not 23rd. I'll have to check again tomorrow.

Life is good here, with the sunny weather and rum cocktails everyday :) 
I will share more when I get home about the fantistic trip!
As much as I love to be here, I would like to get home soon too.

I was hoping to share a nice Christmas decoration I saw in London,
but it might be a bit too late now! I wish everyone a very good Christmas.
Merry Christmas!!!!!


  1. Good to know that you're having a good time there! Can I (or we along with all the other readers) expect some pictures soon? ^^

  2. Yes, I had a brilliant time in Cuba. Only just managed to get back to London after 24 hours but my luggage is still on holiday! Shame, I don't have my rum and cigar for christmas. Of course, will share some photos soon.
