Wednesday 18 April 2012

A difficult conversation...

I wrote about a cancer service user previously.
She and her partner are not the easiest people to engage with
but they are so funny and warm when you get to know them better.

Palliative Care Team is involved but the couple is new to them and the
social worker who was going to support her with writing a will
came back to me for help. So I went to help her filing out the
will booklet to be sent to the solicitor. I left it with her two weeks
ago but there were areas she has not decided on yet e.g executor etc.
The important parts of the will required more decisions to be made.

She become tearful a few times and diverted the conversation to another
subject and I had to make her focus on a number of occasions.
I said to her that it is a difficult conversation and she is
welcome to take her time to think about her will.
On reflection, did I really want to arrange another visit to gather more information?
Not really, I was actually quite keen to complete it today and post it to the solicitor.
          A, I did not want to delay the process
          B, Tight with time to visit again.

I agreed to return next week so that she has enough time to think about
the detailed information. I knew that it was not going to be finished in one visit
and End of Life Care work does require more time and patience. Although,
in practice, I realised I was rushing myself to gather the relevant information.
It is painful enough for her to face her own death and to be making plans for
after death would have been more difficult. I am honoured to stay with
her through the journey for the next few months.

If I were to remain in practice for longer, palliative care social work would
have definitely been my next move.

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