Sunday 9 January 2011

Super Happy!

Guess what!?!?!?!!!
My luggage has finally arrived safe and sound today
after extra two weeks of traveling on its own!
Though, I was slightly worried and won't get my luggage back
but it kind of prolonged the holiday spirit by waiting for it!

I'm extremely delighted to see, especially, my rum and cigars. 
Of course I had to try them, as a non-smoker...
cigars are strong but I will enjoy smoking them for fun when friends come around.
The painting I commissioned come back in very good condition too!

I will upload more Cuba photos soon, I have taken over a thousand photos
and the selection process is taking so long!


  1. 다행입니다. 그렇게 찾게 되는 경우가 참 드문데...
    이번 여행으로 체게바라와 빈티지카에 관한 한 많은 만족을 얻으셨던 듯 합니다. ^^

  2. 정말 다행이죠. 돈으로 환산이 안 되는 귀한 물건들이 있었거든요. 특히 그림들! 정말 너무도 행복한 꿈을 꾼듯 합니다.
