Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Children's Ability

I have worked very long hours today probably 11 hours....
I saw a young person for dinner, a son of a service user who is 14 years old. 
I actually wrote the details of his mother's diagnosis, 
but I deleted as I am aware that this is a public blog. 

It was difficult at times as she did not wish to discuss her future

plans which involves not only her wishes but her two children as well. 
The elder daughter is aware of her conditions but the son 
does not know but he understands by seeing and living his mother. 
I was quite surprised how direct he was and his understanding of 
the situation as I did not have to say much for him to tell me his thoughts. 
It was such a relief as all the professionals involved his mother's 
case have been tip toeing around the matter not knowing what to do 
with her son. I think this opportunity has gave me and other rest of us a great
light to work with him. I can't express how anxious I was about him and 
but I am so glad that he has started his own process but I will find out 
whether we can help him on his journey.  

Children from the age of eight has the understand of death
and research shows that it is better to be open about it than 
to disguise it as it can confuse children. It is quite incredible to know 
how resilient they can be!

I read a brief and informative leaflet produced by 'Dying Matters' about 
talking to children about death before seeing this young man.
And the website is also very resourceful if anyone is interested 
in end of life care work. Or even for yourself, 
if you cannot avoid death why not have a good death?

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